作为一名大学生, it is important that you are comfortable with the technology available to help you communicate with your professors, 完成作业, 在学业上取得成功. Occasionally, you may run into an issue and require assistance.

The Reynolds Tech Support page covers the following topics in more detail.





  • 学生资讯系统(SIS) - used for course registration, transcript evaluation, etc.
  • Gmail - used for official email communication with faculty, 教职员及其他学生
  • Canvas - used for completing assignments, viewing course grades, etc.

    To ensure that your Internet browser is fully compatible with Canvas, you should click the image link identify your browser version. If your browser is up-to-date, then it should work with Canvas.


    To view your Canvas course content on a mobile device, please 下载Canvas Student应用程序 帆布学生标志.
    Android: 谷歌播放图标 iPhone / iPad: App Store图标



Click on an image link to download the software to your computer.


Formerly called 微软 Imagine, OnTheHub is available to students each semester that are actively enrolled in an ITD, ITE, ITN, ITP或CSC课程. Choose from a vast library of Information Technology software such as Norton Security and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Office 365 Logo

Mac users should be aware that 微软 Access is not 可用于他们的电脑. There are a few alternatives for these users to be able to complete their work that requires the Access software.

  1. Use a Windows computer that has Office 365 loaded on it. Access is available to use for the Windows version of Office 365.


  1. Request a Reynolds student loaner laptop through the 学生支援服务 office. Access will be pre-loaded on the computer to use. 我要一台笔记本电脑 完成福利筛选 如果是笔记本电脑,请勾选“是”.


  1. If it is feasible, go to any Reynolds campus and use a Library computer. The computers also have Access pre-loaded on them. CDC social distancing guidelines will be enforced, which includes the wearing of a face mask.


  • 巴咸道校园图书馆 - 梅西图书馆技术中心, Room 103
  • 市区图书馆 -二楼230室
  • 古奇兰校园图书馆 - C-20楼200室


If you installed 微软 Office365 with your Student Advantage benefit or have a College issued laptop that you will be using in the Spring semester, you will be prompted to re-activate your license by signing out of the Office365 Account page (in Word/Excel ribbon menu - click File > Account) and re-signing in with your student email address and current password.

Please find instructions on how to re-activate your Office365 license here: HOWTO_ReactivateOfficeDesktopApps.pdf

If you are using 微软 OneDrive with your Student Advantage and sharing it, 2021年1月4日开始,您将需要重新共享. Any individual files in your 微软 OneDrive that are larger than 15GB will need to be moved manually by VCCS IT Support staff to your new license profile and will require you to contact the Reynolds IT Help Desk.

Access to Azure DevTools will not be affected.
Access to your student Google services (including Gmail and Google Drive) will not be affected.

Available to all currently employed faculty and staff and currently enrolled students each semester to create and edit files using programs from the 微软 Office suite.

  • The procedure for students to download/install Office 365 can be found here.
  • The procedure for faculty and staff to download/install Office 365 can be found here.
  • The current hardware and software requirements for installing Office 365 on a Windows or a Mac computer can be found here.

The VCCS (Virginia Community College System) is now providing up to 1 terabyte (TB) of storage for students to store documents using the 微软 OneDrive for Business and 微软 Office Online services through the Student Advantage Portal. To learn more about this service, please click the link below view the official documentation.

微软 OneDrive and Office Online Guide

Warning: To continue to access your stored documents in your 微软 OneDrive account, you must be a 当前的学生 at 皇冠最新网址 or another VCCS institution.

这句话 当前的学生 means that you are either actively enrolled in classes for the current semester, or that you are not actively enrolled in classes for the current semester but you did enroll in classes the previous semester.

You are not considered a 当前的学生 (and will lose access to your documents in OneDrive) if you have not been enrolled in classes for the previous two semesters or longer.

  • Approximately 30 days before your documents in OneDrive are permanently deleted, you will be sent a warning email from VCCS asking you to backup your data.
  • 在这个宽限期之后, your OneDrive account will be deactivated and your documents will be unrecoverable.
  • If you re-enroll in classes at a later date, only your OneDrive account access will be restored -- not your documents.


Flash Player Logo

Adobe Flash Player - needed to view some video-based content on the Internet

Note: Most Internet videos are natively supported in an Internet browser using the HTML5 standard. 12月31日后, 2020, all modern Internet browsers will stop supporting Adobe Flash Player directly (Internet Explorer will be the only exception). Older websites may still rely on its use.


Java - needed for certain web content, such as Canvas Collaborate

Note: If using the Windows 10 operating system, Java will not run in the new 微软的优势 browser because it does not currently support plug-ins. It is recommended to use another browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox in order to run content that utilizes Java.


adobeacrobatreader DC - needed to open and view PDF files

Mozilla Firefox Logo

Mozilla Firefox -一个免费的网络浏览器


苹果QuickTime - needed to view some Internet video files on older computer operating systems

Note: Modern computer operating systems (e.g., Windows 10, macOS Catalina) do not need 苹果QuickTime installed as the software is now considered obsolete.


响应锁定浏览器- required for some proctored tests and quizzes in Canvas

谷歌Chrome Logo

谷歌Chrome -一个免费的网络浏览器


VLC媒体播放器 - a universal audio and video player


Audacity - a free audio file composer and editor


Adobe Shockwave播放器 - needed to view some web content on older Internet browsers

Note: If you are running an up-to-date version of an Internet browser (e.g., 谷歌Chrome version 80), then Shockwave Player is not needed.


微软的优势 -一个免费的网络浏览器





皇冠最新网址 has switched printing systems -- from Equitrac to PaperCut. The new system will allow students to use their MyReynolds student accounts or customized guest accounts to load funds as necessary in order to print documents and website information in both black and white, 和颜色.

Another benefit of PaperCut is that students can use their personal computers or mobile devices to access their accounts and send documents to the print queue at any time, without having to physically be in one of the campus libraries. Students can then print out their documents from the library at their convenience.

To view the guide for using the new PaperCut printing system, go to http://library.bbshanduyishe.net/printing.



Configuring VCCS 学生的电子邮件 Accounts on Mobile Devices

Students can access their email account from their mobile device so that they can stay in touch with Reynolds faculty, 教职员及其他学生. 使用指南是 这里提供 that will show step-by-step instructions for configuring a VCCS student email account on any mobile device via the Gmail app.



Students are strongly encouraged to purchase a personally-owned computer or use a computer in one of the campus Computer Labs/Libraries to foster academic growth at 永利皇宫在线娱乐城.

Chromebooks can be used as an alternative to an Apple or Windows computer.

Recommended Minimum Specifications for Adequate Performance on a Personally-Owned Computer:

  • 操作系统: Windows 10 Home or greater, or macOS 10.15(卡特琳娜)或更大
  • Memory: 至少4 GB (GB)的RAM
  • 网络: An Ethernet port and WiFi capability
  • 处理器: 2.9 GHz (gigahertz) processor or greater
  • 显示: 1280 x 1084 resolution or greater
  • 硬盘: A solid-state hard drive (SSD) with at least 150 GB of free space; can be supplemented with a thumb drive that has at least 32 GB of free space
  • 电池(笔记本电脑只有): 6芯电池
  • 安全: Firewall-enabled with some type of antivirus software installed
  • 软件: 微软365, 响应锁定浏览器, adobeacrobatreader DC (to view PDF files), and a file backup application* such as Dropbox or Google Drive

    * While the VCCS provides students with a couple of different file backup applications -- notably Google Drive and 微软 OneDrive -- to use with their school Gmail accounts, it is recommended that students also create their 个人账户 with these applications to retain access to their files long after they stop attending a community college.

    An external hard drive with at least 128 GB of free space can be substituted for a file backup application if you wish to have offline access to your files.
  • Other: 至少1 ~ 2个USB接口

Academic pricing discounts are available on major computer/tablet brands including:

HP Dell Apple 微软 亚马逊Prime学生
HP Logo 戴尔公司的标志 苹果标志 微软的标志 亚马逊Prime学生标志
  • 进行购买 Apple, click here. Note: You must login with an existing Apple ID or create a new one.
  • 进行购买 百思买, click here.
  • 进行购买 Dell [大学),点击 here.
  • 通过网站进行购买 微软教育商店, click here.
  • 进行购买 亚马逊Prime学生, click here.

    Warning: To take advantage of these academic pricing discounts, you must be a 当前的学生 at 皇冠最新网址 or another VCCS institution.

    这句话 当前的学生 means that you are either actively enrolled in classes for the current semester, or that you are not actively enrolled in classes for the current semester but you did enroll in classes the previous semester.

    You are not considered a 当前的学生 (and are deemed ineligible to to take advantage of academic pricing discounts) if you have not been enrolled in classes for the previous two semesters or longer. Eligibility would be restored during the semester that you do re-enroll in classes.



Information Technology Student Acceptable Use Agreement

VCCS和皇冠 Information Technology Student Acceptable Use Agreement covers the college's policies regarding ethical behavior concerning the use of computers and technology on campus. The language of this agreement is included in the Policies and Procedures section in the 大学目录: http://catalog.bbshanduyishe.net/.



Recommended Practices for Cyber Safety

